ED. 230


December 1997




Inductive Model


By Nada AbiSamra




1-  Planning the Lesson :

1.1  Topic                 “Verbs not to confuse”


1.2  Objectives       


          a - Content :

             Students will be able to

- Identify 10 sets of verbs they usually confuse.

- Explain the difference between the verbs (after having understood their meanings)         

  - Use the verbs correctly.                                                                                              

                        b - Process :

                       Students will observe, compare, generalize, explain…

                        They will actively construct their understanding.



1.3 Selected Materials


                        Cards on which there are correct examples on one side and wrong examples on the other .

                        (Cards Provided )


2 -  Implementing the Lesson


              [ I would like first to mention a few things :     

Course Name                           = English as a third language

Grade                                       = 10

Time                                         = 2 hours

Number of students                   = 15

Prerequisites                             = Irregular verbs - Tenses

                                              ( Indicative Mood )                     ]


2.1  Lesson Introduction


                        - “  Good  Morning ! How are you today ?

                        Before we start our new lesson , which is somehow related to the previous ones  , let’s quickly review what

                        we already know .

- “ Rabih ! What do you know about the Simple past tense ?”

                        - “ We use the Simple past tense when we have a definite time in the past and a past habit ”, answered Rabih .

                        -“….and when the action was completed in the past ”, added Raya .

                        -“ Good students ! Now let’s see , can you give me an example ,……….Ralph !”

                        -  Yes , miss .  I went to school everyday last month .”

                        - “ Good , you seem to have understood ; what about the present perfect tense ? ”

[ The teacher waits for one minute then says :] Leyla!

                        -“ We use the present perfect when we have an indefinite time before now ,” answered Leyla.

                        -“ What else , Leyla ? ”

                        -“ Eh ,….I don’t remember ! “

                        -“ Let me give you an example : I ( to visit )……this restaurant 4 times  this week . Which tense do you use here , Leyla ?

-“The present perfect .”

- “Why ? ”

                        - “ Because ………..” started Rabih .

                        - “Don’t answer , Rabih , give Leyla a chance    ! So , Leyla , why do you use the present perfect in this sentence ? ”

                        - “ Because ……we have a repeated action ? ,” said Leyla shyly .

                        - “ Excellent , Leyla , so what will the sentence be ? ”

                        - “ I have visited this restaurant 4 times this week .”

                        - “ Okay , now , everyone , in order to be able to use the Simple past tense and the present perfect tense correctly , what are we supposed to have studied excellently ?”

                        - “ The Irregular verbs !! ” , answered all the students at the same time .

                        - “And I suppose you know them very well ! ”

                        -“Please , miss , ask me a few questions about them !” said Makram .



2.2 Open-Ended Phase        


                        - “No , not now ; let’s switch to something else . I have

a set of cards with me , and I will give each one of you a card ….

OK , now , I want you , very silently , to read the different sentences on the cards .

[ 5 minutes later ] What did you notice ? [ Wait for a while , then ] Karl ?

                        - “The same sentences are written twice , on both sides !? .”

                        - “ Yes they are , but nothing different ? …. Jad ?”

                        - “ Yes , the verbs ….”

                        - “ NO , not all the verbs , “Kathy explains , “only a few ! “

                        - “ What about these few  verbs , Kathy  ? “

                        -“ I don’t know ……they are difficult ….”

                        - “ But , Miss, we don’t say ‘Ann seated on a chair !’ said Ayoub .

                        - “ Good , Ayoub , what do we say , then ? ”

                        - “ We say ‘Ann sit on a chair ’. ”

                        - “ Sit ??! Ayoub !! ”

                        - “ Excuse me , miss , ‘sat’ is the past of verb to sit .”

                        - “ OK , don’t you have this sentence on your card , Ayoub ? ”

                        - “ Yes ,I  do , on the other side . ”

                        - “ Then , what can you say about it ? ”

                        - “ My sentence is wrong , too !”, interrupted Ali ,  “Can we say , ‘if you are tired ,you should lay down ’? ”

                        - “ Answer the question yourself , Ali .”

                        - “ No , we can’t , because verb to lay is a transitive verb and we don’t have an object in this sentence ! ”

                        - “ Excellent , Ali , so what can we say about the sentences on each side ? ”

                        - “ Miss , miss ,” said Halim , “I know ! ”

                        - “ What , Halim , what do you know ? ”

                        - “On one side you wrote correct sentences and on the other wrong ones ! ”

                        - “ Very good !What else can you say ? ”

                        - “We have the same verbs on both sides , but they are switched , ” answered Marcel .

                        - “ Why are they switched? Aren’t they correct when they are switched ? ”

                        - “ No , we cannot use them both ways ! ”said Tarek .

                        - “Which verbs do you have , Tarek ? ”

                        - “ I have to brake and to break .We can’t say , don’t brake this vase ! ”

                        - “ Why not ? ”

                        - “ We brake the car , it means we stop it ! ”

                        - “Excellent , Tarek , now can you give me the objective of this exercise ? ”

                        - “ Yes , miss, to give us wrong examples .”

                        -“ I gave you , Tarek , examples of wrong sentences , but , do you know why ? ”

                        - “So that we can know the right from the wrong ,” answered Salma in a low voice .

                        - “ Yes , miss , I have verbs ‘to ride and to read ’ and I always confuse between the two , ”said Cynthia .

                        - “ Good Cynthia , so , go ahead , why did I give you all these examples ? ”

                        - “Can it be so that we won’t confuse between the verbs ? ”

                        - “ Excellent, Cynthia, then we can say that on these cards you have sets of verbs that are not to be confused.”



2.3  Convergent  Phase


                        -“ Let’s take a look now at the different examples that you have.. Aileen , which are the verbs on your card?”

                        - “Fell and felt ; The past of to fall and to feel . ”

                        - “So here is the first set of verbs ; who would like to write them on the board ? ”

                        - “ Me ”

                        - “ Me ”

                        - “ Me ”

                        - “ Come , Nabil , go ahead .  ”

[ Nabil starts writing the sets of verbs his mates give him , then another  student comes to the board and so on . The teacher guides the students so that they explain why a sentence is wrong , and what is the difference in meaning or in form between the verbs .


2.4  Closure


                        - “ So , what was the objective of today’s lesson ?…. Carla? ”

                        - “ Not to confuse these verbs . ”

[ Then the teacher asks a few students to give her the difference between the verbs written on the board  and to explain again how they reached that conclusion . ]



2.5 Application Phase


                                 Homework assignment:


                          Choose one verb from each set and use it in a sentence . 



3 - Assessing Student

     Learning :


                        Individual Test :


                               1 - Error Analysis


                              2 - Write a paragraph of  12 lines (120 words ) using 12 given verbs : ……….





Instructional Procedures.



                                                         Lesson Plan: Inductive Model



1-Planning the lesson :

Topic        =     “Verbs not to confuse”

Objective   =                                

              a - Content : Students will be able to

                       - Identify 10 sets of verbs they usually confuse.

                        - Explain the difference between the verbs  (after having understood their meanings )                 

                        - Use the verbs correctly.                                                                                 

              b - Process : Students will observe ,compare, generalize ,explain …..

                                They will actively construct their understanding .

              c - Selective Materials = Cards on which there are correct examples on one side and wrong examples on the other .


2 – Implementing the lesson

              [ I would like first mention a few things :         

Course Name          =     English as a third language

Grade                      =     10 th 

Number of students  =     15

Prerequisites            =    Irregular verbs - Tenses ( Indicative Mood )


              A - Lesson Introduction :

                        - “  Good  Morning ! How are you today ?

                        Before we start our new lesson (which is somehow related to the previews ones ) , let’s quickly review what we already know .

- Rabih! What do you know about the Simple past tense ?

                        - “ We use the S past tense when we have a definitive time in the past and a past habit “, answered Rabih .

                        -“….and when the action was completed in the past “, added Raya .

                        -“ Good students ! Now let’s see , what about the present perfect ?  “

                        [ The teacher waits for one minutes then says :] Leyla!

                        -“ We use the present perfect when we have an indefinite time before now ,”answered Leyla.

                        -“ What else , Leyla ? ”

                        -“ Eh ,….I don’t remember ! “

                        -“ Let me give you an example : I ( to visit )……this restaurant 4 times  this week . Which tense do you use here , Leyla ?

-“The present perfect “.

- “Why ? ”

- “ Because ………..” started Rabih .

“ don’t answer ‘ Rabih ‘ give Leyla a chance !So ‘ Leyla ‘ why do you use the present perfect in this sentence ? “

- “ Because ……we have a repeated action ? “, said Leyla shyly .

- “ Excellent , Leyla , so what willthe sentence be ? “

- “ I have visited this restaurant 4 times this week .”

- “ Okay , now , every one , in order to be able to use the S. past tense and the present perfect tense correctly , what are we supposed to have studied excellently ?”

- “ The Irregular verbs !! ” ,answered all the students at the same time .

n    - And I suppose you kmow them very well ! “

n    -“Please , miss , ask me a few questions about them !” said Makram .

n    - No , not now ; let’s switch to something else . I have a set of cards with me , and I will give each one of you a card .

n    - OK , now I want you , very silently , to read the different sentences on the cards .

n    [ 2 minutes later ] What did you notice ? [ Wait for a while , then ] Karl ?

n    - “The same sentences are written twice , on both sides !? .”

n    - “ Yes they are , but nothing different ?  Jad ?”

n    - “ Yes , the verbs ….”

n    - “ NO , not all the verbs , “Katty explains , “only a few ! “

n    - “ What about these few  verbs , Katty  ? “

n    - “ I don’t know ……they are difficult ….”

n    - “ But , Miss, we don’t say “ Ann seated on a chair ! “, said Ayoub

n    - “ Good , Ayoub , what do we say , then ? “

n    - “ we say “Ann sat on a chair . “

n    - “ Don’t you have this sentence on your card , Ayoub ? “

n    - “ Yes ,I  do , on the other side . “

n    - “ Then , what can you say about it ? “

n    - “ My sentence is wrong , too !”,interrupted Ali , “ can we say , if you are tired you should lay down ? “

n    - “You answer your question , Ali .“

n    - “ No , we can’t , because verb to lay is a transitive verb and we don’t have an object in this sentence ! “

n    - “ Excellent , Ali , so what can we say about the sentences on each side ? “

n    - “ Miss , miss , “said Halim , “I know ! “

n    - “ What , halim , what do you know ? “

n    - “on one side you wrote correct sentences and on the other wrong ones ! “

n    - “ Very good !What else can you say ? “

n    - “We have the same verbs on both sides , but they are switched , “ answered Marcel .

n    - “ Why are they switched? Aren’t they correct when they are switched ? “

n    - “ No , we cannot use them both ways ! “said Tarek .

n    - “Which verbs do you have , Tarek ? “

n    - “ I have to brake and to break . “

n    -   “ we can’t say , don’t brake this vase ! “

n    - “ Why not ? “

n    - “ We brake the car , it means we stop it ! “

n    - “ Exellent , Tarek , now can you give me the objective of this exercise ? “

n    - “Yes , I gave you wrong examples , but why ? “

n    - “ So that we can know the right from the wrong “ answered Salma in a low voice .

n    - “ Yes , miss , I have verbs “to ride and to read “ and I always confuse between the two , “ said Cynthia .

n    - “ Good Cynthia , so , go ahead , why did I give you all these examples ? “

n    - “Can it be so that we won’t confuse between the verbs ? ”

n    - “ Excellent , Cynthia , so we can say that on these cards you have sets of verbs that are not to be confused . “

              C - Convergent  Phase :

              “ Let’s take a look now at the different examples that you have ; Aileen , which are the verbs on your card ? “

n    - “Fell and felt ; The past of to fall and to feel . “

n    - “So here is the first set of verbs ; who would like to write them     on the board ? “

n    - “ Me “

n    - “ Me “

n    - “ Me “

n    - “ Come , Nabil , go ahead .  “

n    [Nabil starts writing the sets of verbs his mates give him , then another  student comes to the board and so on . The teacher guides the students so that they explain why a sentence is wrong , and what is the difference in meaning or in form between the verbs .

              D - Closure

n    - “ so , what was the objective of today’s lesson ?…. Carla? “

n    - “ Not to confuse these verbs . “

[ And the teacher asks a few students to give her the difference between the verbs written on the board and to explain again how they reached that conclusion . ]

              E - Application Phase

                                 Home work assignment: Choose one verb from each set and use              it in a sentence . 



Individual Test:

1 - Error Analysis

2 - Write a paragraph of 12 lines (120 words) using 12 given verbs: ……….