American University of Beirut
Psychology of Learning -Education 215
Instructor: Dr. Mary AbuSaba
Student: Nada AbiSamra
December 18, 1998


Lesson Plan Using Glaser’s Learning System

“The EQ Factor” by Nancy Gibbs

I-Instructional Objectives:

From memory, the student will:

1- Locate emotions in the brain without mistakes.

2- Identify Daniel Goleman and list his 2 Goals, his Thesis, and the 

Practical Applications he suggests with 80% accuracy.

3- List the major qualities that mark a high EQ with 80% accuracy.

II-Entering Behavior:

1-What is the Limbic System?

2-Who is Daniel Goleman? What are his goals?

3-Which qualities do you need to have in order to mark a high EQ?

III-Instructional Procedures:

1-IQ Vs. EQ

a-I start with what the student knows, “IQ”. I ask, “Some people have a high IQ but they haven’t succeeded in life, why?” ThenI say that IQ counts only for about 20% in determining a person’s success; the rest depends on:

-Social Class


-The Neural Pathways that have developed in the brain: Emotions

b-I show the student a few colored pictures with individuals 

expressing different emotions such as fear, love, anxiety, 

anger…. I ask the student to identify the pictures, to state what 

kind of emotions they show, then to say whether he believes 

these emotions play a role in a person’s success.

c- EQ is not the opposite of IQ, they complement each other.

E.g. A person’s ability to handle stress affects his ability to 

concentrate and put intelligence to use.

d-“IQ gets you hired, EQ gets you promoted.”

2-Location of Emotions in the Brain:

Emotions grow out of an area of the brain called the limbic system (specifically the Amygdala) whence come delight, disgust, fear, anger … and from the Neocortex that enables us to plan, learn, and remember.

Lust grows from the limbic system; Love, from the neocortex.

E.g. Animals like reptiles that have no neocortex cannot experience maternal love; that’s why baby snakes hide lest their mother should eat them.

The more connections there are between the limbic system and the neocortex, the more emotional responses are possible.

3-History of Emotional Intelligence or EQ:

a-“Emotional Intelligence”: Phrase invented/coined in 1990 by 

Peter Salovey (Yale Psychologist) and John Mayer (University 

of New Hampshire).

b-EQ: Shortening given by Daniel Goleman in his book 

“Emotional Intelligence” (Bantam).


·Identity:Ph.D. in Psychology from Harvard.

New-York Times Science Writer

Researcher on how the mind processes feelings.

·Goals:- Redefine what it means to be smart

- Look for antidotes to restorecivility to our 

streets and caring to our communal life.”

·Thesis: When we want to predict a person’s success, the 

qualities of mind (character) matter more than the 

brainpower as measured by IQ and Standardized 

Achievement Tests. 

- Our hearts hold dominion over our heads

- People skills are useful.

·Practical Applications:

- How companies should decide whom to hire

- How couples can increase the odds that their 

marriage will last.

- How parents should raise their children

- How schools should teach students.

·Possible Dangers:

- Suggesting that we can assign a numerical measure to a person’s character as well as his intellect.

- Emotional skills, like intellectual ones, are morally neutral. No one knows the “right” emotions to be taught to children or adults. 

E.g. Is it good emotional intelligence not to challenge authority?(Can we teach this?)

- Just as a genius could use his intellect either to cure cancer or engineer a deadly virus, someone with great empathic insight could use it to inspire colleagues or exploit them.

Without a moral compass to guide people in how to employ their gifts, emotional intelligence can be used for good or evil.

4-The Major Qualities that mark a high EQ:

(Before I explain this last part, I go back to the pictures and ask the student to tell me which are the picture showing emotions that should be controlled and which are the ones showing emotions that are “good” and might lead to a person’s success. Then I try to make him/her deduce some of the major qualities him/herself.)


Understanding our own feelings. “Recognizing a feeling as it happens (Metamood) is the keystone of emotional intelligence. 

è It is a difficult skill since emotions often appear in disguise.

Self-awareness allows us to exercise self-control.

“Anyone can be angry, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way—this is not easy.” (Aristotle)

b-Mood Management:

Strategies for handling/escaping foul moods such as:

(Here I go back to the pictures again and ask the student what he/she would do to escape one of the foul moods) 

Anger (which usually arises out of a sense of being trespassed against), Anxiety (whose danger comes when worrying blocks thinking), Rage, Jealousy, Guilt, Fear, Hurt, Frustration, Grief, Sadness, Discouragement….

Given sufficient self-awareness, people develop coping mechanisms.

Solution: Relaxation. The idea is to shift to a state of arousal that breaks the destructive cycle of the dominant mood.


To motivate ourselves for any achievement requires clear goals and an optimistic can-do attitude. We should have enthusiasm, zeal, and confidence. 

To measure a person’s level of optimism è Seligman’s Test.

d-Impulse Control:

Being able to regulate emotions in a way that enhances living, to delay impulse in the service of a goal è emotional self-regulation.

E.g. The Marshmallow Experiment done in 1960s by Psychologist Walter Mischel at a preschool on the Stanford University Campus.

He invited 4-year-old children into a room and told them, “You can have this marshmallow right now, but if you wait while I run an errand, you will have two when I come back.

Those who wait are likely to be better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident, and dependable teen-agers.

Those who don’t wait are likely to be lonely, easily frustrated, stubborn, they are likely to buckle under stress and to shy away from challenges when they grow up.

è The ability to delay gratification is a master skill, a triumph of the reasoning brain over the impulsive one; it is a sign of emotional intelligence.

e-People Skills:

Empathy, Communication, Warmth, Graciousness, Ability to read a social situation (to know how others feel) => Good inter-personal skills.

In order to measure a person’s ability to read emotional cues è PONS (Profile Of Nonverbal Sensitivity) Test. 

People with higher PONS score tend to be more successful in their work and relationships.


If we were more alert to the importance of Emotional Intelligence and more adept at teaching it, we would be happier, more successful as individuals, and civil as a society.

IV-Performance Assessment:

1-Where are fear, anxiety, and love located?

2-What is Daniel Goleman’s thesis and what are the practical applications he suggests?

3-Which are the major qualities that mark a high EQ?



Unlike IQ, which is gauged by the famous Stanford-Binet tests, EQ does not lend itself to any single numerical measure. Nor should it, say experts. Emotional intelligence is by definition a complex, multifaceted quality representing such intangibles as self-awareness, empathy, persistence and social deftness. Some aspects of emotional intelligence, however, can be quantified. Optimism, for example, is a handy measure of a person's self-worth. According to Martin Seligman, a University of Pennsylvania psychologist, how people respond to setbacks-- optimistically or pessimistically--is a

fairly accurate indicator of how well they will succeed in school, in sports and in certain kinds of work. 


Choose the response (A or B) that most closely resembles your own. 


You forget your spouse's (boyfriend's/girlfriend's) birthday

A. I'm not good at remembering birthdays. 

B. I was preoccupied with other things. 

You owe the library $10 for an overdue book. 

A. When I am really involved in what I am reading, I often forget when it's due. 

B. I was so involved in writing the report, I forgot to return the book. 

You lose your temper with a friend. 

A. He or she is always nagging me. 

B. He or she was in a hostile mood. 

You are penalized for returning your income-tax forms late. 

A. I always put off doing my taxes. 

B. I was lazy about getting my taxes done this year. 

You've been feeling run-down. 

A. I never get a chance to relax. 

B. I was exceptionally busy this week. 

A friend says something that hurts your feelings. 

A. She always blurts things out without thinking of others. 

B. My friend was in a bad mood and took it out on me. 

You fall down a great deal while skiing. 

A. Skiing is difficult. 

B. The trails were icy. 

You gain weight over the holidays, and you can't lose it. 

A. Diets don't work in the long run. 

B. The diet I tried didn't work.